Meteor scatter - OK1TEH JO70FD 432 MHz
FULL 70cm LOG at

hrd, tried or nc:

Geminids     2004: F6FHP 400ms, G4DEZ 1000ms

Perseids     2005: F6FHP, SM2ILF 1200ms,

Geminids     2005: F6FHP 1000ms, OH8LRB 40ms, SM3BEI nil, EA5AAJ 300ms, OH5KNG nil

Quadrantids  2006: OH3AWW 240ms, ES2RJ nil, OH5HCJ nil, UR5LX nil

S. Δ Aquarid 2006: SM2ILF 180ms 2B 1P

Perseids     2006: IM0/I2KEQ 2000ms 2B 1P, EA5AAJ 160ms 2B, GB2LD nil, SM2CEW nil, RA3IS 40ms, ES2RJ 160ms

Geminids     2006: F6FHP nil (he hrd me), OH3KLJ nil, G4RGK 800ms 2B, EA5AAJ nil (DK3WG wkd F6FHP 820/5)

Quadrantids  2007: EA3DXU 400ms, SM2ILF nil (he hrd me)

Perseids     2007: SM2ILF 40ms (SM2ILF wkd OK1DFC), SK2AT nil, EB5EEO nil, RZ3AED nil, GW8ASA nil (he hrd me)

Geminids     2007: OH4MS 100ms,380ms 4dB DF -205, SM2CEW nil/nil, F6FHP nil/220ms 13dB DF -300, RZ3AED 100ms/nil

Quadrantids  2008: RA3IS both nil

Perseids     2008: F6FHP 60/8dB/pings NC, SM2A nil/nil

Geminids     2008: SV8CS nil, LZ1DX 100ms/2dB, LY2R 100ms/7dB, RA3IS nil, UT6UG nil,  SM2A nil/2p

Quadrantids  2009: RW3WR 120/10, SM2A nil hrd with OK2POI

Perseids     2009: ES5PC 120/3 (thought C but bad RST at ES5PC..), EA3XU nil, 9H1TX nil, SV8CS nil

Geminids     2009: YL2OK 60/6, RW6AG nil -920/9

Quadrantids  2010: OH6NVQ 12xB NC, OH2DG 2xB 200/10, SM2A hardware problem, I1NDP hrd with OK2POI 200ms/12dB

Perseids     2010: tried OH2DG, nil hrd

Geminids     2010: both hrd SM6FVE, I1NDP

Quadrantids  2011: RW3WR 6x Bursts 220/11, EA6SA 160/2, GM4CXM 140/9, I1NDP 200/6, RA3LE 60/1

Perseids     2011: LZ1DX nil, R4A 80/1, OH6KTL 200/2

Geminids     2011: OH6KTL 200/2

Quadrantids  2012: LZ1DX 1s/12, RA4A 80/2

Perseids     2012: OH6KTL nil, YL2HA nil, M0IKB nil

Geminids     2012: OH6KTL 200/3, OH6UW 200/3, RD3FD nil

Quadrantids  2013: OH6KTL 5000/13

Perseids     2013: LZ1OA hrd me, OH6KTL hrd me, Z35Z hrd me, RA4A 100/1

Geminids     2013: YL2OK 800/14

Quadrantids  2014: SM2A hrd me 200ms 100Hz off

Perseids     2014: SM2A 200/2

Geminids     2014: SM5DIC 150/2

Geminids     2014: SM5DIC 150/2

Quadrantids  2015: OH6KTL 100/1

Perseids     2015: Z35Z 150/3, SM2A nil

Geminids     2015: LA4YGA he hrd me well, OH4MVH nil, R6CS 260/3 +2, IK0BZY 2x 120/3, 9H1CG 
Quadrantids  2016: SM6CEN 360/4 460/3, OH4MVH nil (short), 9H1CG 200/1
Perseids     2016: G4KVT 7200/1 + WAV
Geminids     2016: RN3F 300/1, 9H1GB 60/1, RN6MA NIL, F8DO NIL, F8GGD NIL
Quadrantids  2017: all skeds C
Perseids     2017: G4RGK 9P 380/2/hrd me NC, Z35Z he HRD ME
Geminids     2017: R6CS 1400/10, GM8IEM hrd me 100ms
Quadrantids  2018: IK1FJI NIL, F8DO BAD WEATHER, F6KBF NIL, GM8IEM 80/1, SM6FHZ 260/3 + headecho WAV, IK0BZY 240/2 JTMS
Perseids     2018: GM8IEM (NIL/HRD 8s burst), F6KBF 1s Burst/nil, G4RGK nil/hrd, Z35Z nil/hrd, SV8PAX nil/nil, IK0BZY nil/nil.
Geminids     2018: all skeds C
Qudrantids   2019: 9H1GB 100ms/2dB/hrd
Perseids     2019: all skeds C
Geminids     2019: all skeds C
Qudrantids   2020: OH4LA 100ms/10dB
Aquarids     2020: IK0BZY 100/2/hrd
Perseids     2020: OH3DP 100ms/2/hrd
Geminids     2020: IK0BZY 420/2/hrd, YO6OBK nil/nil, 9H1GB nil/ hrd 200ms
Quadrantids  2021: F1NZC 4000/1 3b NC, G4RGK 100/1 3b NC,
Geminids     2023: LA3EQ hrd, GD0TEP hrd, IK0BZY nil
Quadrantids  2024: EA6SX 1500/1 NC (missed my RRR), IC8TEM hrd me, next time OH0AZX? GD0TEP?, EA6SX?
QRG 432.370.000 = is shifted on my TRX display: 
370.1 SM2A,   368.8 RK3WWF, 370.25 F6FHP, OH4MS 370,25, LY2R 370,35, SM2CEW 370.05, OH3AWW 370.4, OH6UW     370.0
369.8 RW3WR,  370.1 RW6AG , 370.0  ES5PC, YL2OK 370.00, I1NDP 370,1, OH6NVQ 370.10, 9H1CG .370.1, R6CS      370.1
370.0 LA4YGA, 371.3 G4KVT , 369.1  R6CS , RN3F  370,10, G4RGK 370,0, SM6FHZ 370.20, IK0BZY 370.2, OH2DG  SKED 370.0 => at OK1TEH 371.0
370.2 F6KBF,  370.2 Z35Z,   370.2  GM8IEM, EA6SX 370,080

SAMPLE OF SOME 432 MHz bursts in WAV:

OK1TEH: RK3WWF on 12th August 2008 (you can open it in WSJT)

OK1TEH: ES5PC on 13th December (ping)

OK1TEH: LZ1DX on 4th January 2010 (burst)

OK2POI: SM2A on 12th August 2008 (17s long burst!)

SM3BEI at OK1TEH during Geminids 2010

TK5JJ at OK1TEH during Geminids 2010